56 research outputs found


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    Human fatigue is reduced working capability for certain period of time as the result of unusual or prolonged workload. Fatigue arises when the body’s energy requirements exceed its supply. Fatigue first manifests as reduced concentration capability causing movement coordination and precision disruption leading to decreasing workability. Fatigue is an object of research in physiology, psychology, work ergonomics, medicine, and biotechnology where each domain has a focus on mental fatigue. The functional state in the context of professional activity is defined as a complex of characteristics of functions and qualities that determine the fulfilment of labour activity. Furthermore, a comprehensive estimation of subject functional state in combination with other factors like subject self-assessment and objective performance tests (cognitive load tests) is a necessary input for the evaluation of workability and efficiency on task. The heterogeneous nature of fatigue as a systemic manifestation requires analysis of multiple key parameters which are relevant to the specific type. The current feasibility study focuses on human biological signal from electrical activity of heart, brain, muscles and skin potentials as well as temperature, position, and respiration to obtain diagnostic parameters reflecting the state of cardiovascular, muscles, and central nervous systems for physiological monitoring of vital signs. The fatigue physiological parameter and feature formalization aim to support the development of a platform with complex passive multi-level fatigue monitoring system and workability evaluation system designed in order to provide an integrated service

    Decision Making in Mobile Telemedicine Complex

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    Research is dedicated to computer-based decisionmaking technology intended for screening diagnostics and its basic principle implementation in the Mobile Telemedicine Screening Complex (MTSC). The decision-making logic is based on two main information flows. One is the main stream, including objective measurement results from MTSC hardware, and, the other – the subjective patient interactive questionnaire, including complaints, feelings, risk factors and conformation of existing chronic diseases. The paper provides the description of decision-making technology starting with the exploration of the flow of mutual obligations and ending with decision-making rules to produce the final decision

    Lemšanas algoritmi atveseļošanas taktikas izvēlei

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    Darbā aplūkota ekspertu datorsistēmas izveidošana, iekļaujot tajā mākslīgā intelekta elementus. Sistēma paredzēta lēmumu pieņemšanai medicīnā ārstēšanas procesā, izvēloties medikamentus, to kombinācijas un ārstēšanas taktiku. Galvenā vērība darbā ir pievērsta zināšanu bāzu izveidei no nozarē eksistējoša zināšanu klāsta un šo bāzu datorrealizācijai, lai nodrošinātu hierarhisku lemšanas procesu. Par zināšanu bāzes aprakstīšanas metodi izvēlēti produkciju likumi

    Development of Decision-Making Software for Patients with Kidney Stones

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    The paper discusses the development of decision- making software for patients with kidney stones. Computerized decision–making about treatment choices for patients with renal stones is step-by-step described in this paper. Medicine is one of the sectors where computerized decision-making is being used more often. One of the key elements of expert systems – building a knowledge base that is based on recommendation fund, known as „Guidelines”, is discussed. The paper discusses the most frequently used therapies. Examples of decision trees and production rules are shown

    Gala darbu novērtējuma izskaitļošanas variants augstskolas mācību procesā

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    Darbā apskatīta studentu gala darbu novērtējuma sistēma, kuras pamatā ir ekspertu novērtējumu sistēmu matemātiskās metodes analīzes algoritmi. Parasti studentu gala darba novērtējums tiek pieņemts kā vidējais aritmētiskais vērtējums no visu ekspertu vērtējumiem. Šāda lēmumu pieņemšanas metode ir ļoti subjektīva. Darba ietvaros izstrādāta programmatūra, kurā iekļauts datu brāķēšanas algoritms, vienprātības koeficienta noteikšanas algoritms, kā arī vidējā atzīme tiek noteikta pēc matemātiskās cerības metodes. Papildus piedāvāts un realizēts darbu ranžēšanas algoritms, kura rezultātā iegūst papildus kvantitatīvo vērtējumu. Rezultātā tiek iegūta gala atzīme, kas ir daudz objektīvāka un matemātiski precīzāka. Šāda veida lēmumu atbalsta sistēma, novērš lēmuma pieņemšanas neprecizitātes un uzlabo gala rezultāta precizitāti

    Computerized Decision-Making of Treatment Choices for Patients with Kidney Stones

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    Computerized decision–making about treatment choices for patients with renal stones has been described step-by-step in this paper. . Medicine is one of the sectors where computerized decision-making is being used more often. One of the key elements of expert systems – building a knowledge base that is based on recommendation fund, known as „Guidelines”, is discussed. Paper contains the most frequently used therapies. Example of decision tree and production rules is shown

    Choice of Interpolation Method for an Arbitrary Arc Welding Curve

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    Practical application of the classical methods of in-terpolation, such as Lagrange’s, Bessel’s, Stirling’s, Newton’s and others, cannot always provide sufficient accuracy in the restoration of lines according to the requirements of modern technologies. In this paper, recommendations for the improve-ment of interpolation accuracy are given, including the transition to the method of cubic splines. The results of research are used to create a route for arc welding in order to increase the perfor-mance of industrial robot

    Improvement and Assessment of the Effective Therapy Selection Method

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    In this article improved arterial hypertension most effective therapy selection method is described. In the beginning of the article authors discuss similar systems, which are used in practice. Then possible solution range is defined. Solution includes therapy selection improvement – expansion of the pathogenesis topological model. Other diseases and existing arterial hypertension is taken in the lamp. At the ending part authors consider usability of the new method. Also further mathematical processing and topological model assessment approach is given